Suffering of a true friendship

  Martha was standing beside the desk, her eyes fixed on something behind the window. She wasn't really looking at anything specific, her eyes were empty, her thoughts focused on the task ahead. She was re-evaluating the principles she always believed. Friendship, loyalty, trust. Suddenly all those virtues seemed to interfere with her duties. Her new duties and obligations she was so keen to fulfil. But how could she choose between responsibility and her dearest friend?She hoped she wouldn't have to but... She was deluding herself as long as possible. She couldn't any more.

Knocking on the door brought her to reality.

'Come in...' her voice was calm but full of sadness.

Young girl, more or less of the age of Martha entered the room. Her long blond hair falling freely all over her shoulders and her face with one of her famous charming smiles.

'Hi, sweetie,' she was clearly in a very good mood.

Since Martha was still standing facing the window the new girl couldn't tell that something was wrong. Or at least she couldn't tell yet. She sat on the table with usual disregard to school rules, her tie loose and shirt not inside her skirt. Smile still beaming from her face.

At that point Martha would do anything to delay the inevitable. But that wouldn't solve the problem. She closed her eyes, sighed heavily and slowly turned around to face her friend. That's not what she was expecting her new position would mean.

Few months ago the ex-headmaster decided to make her a prefect. Something that actually shocked her at first but soon she became very proud of that fact. The trust and confidence put in her made her feel really good, and happy. Of course, that meant new responsibilities and obligations but was definitely worth all the sacrifices. Or at least that's what Martha thought at first. Her best friend never seemed to be jealous or anything. Maybe a bit irritated sometimes when her new function made Martha busy in their free times both girls used to spend always together. But that's it, there was no serious problems at all.

Everything has changed at the beginning of the new year. The school had now a new headmaster. A very old man with strict rules. Not a very popular figure in school you might guess.

He was the head only for couple of weeks and the changes he made were enormous. Once absolutely teenagers-friendly school become suddenly sort of a strict reformatory. Mr. Davenport brought to life corporal punishment the second day after taking the new position . And later was only worse. None of the current pupils remembered times when caning was as normal as breathing among pupils. They were all too young. Even the horrible stories lost their meaning with the passing time.

And now...everything was back. Feelings were different about it, from disbelieve to utter horror. But certainly none of the students was happy about it. Someone who would be able to look at everything more objectively would probably find some logic hidden behind all those reforms. The school of St. Juan Martinez was no longer a proud school with excellent reputation that accompanied school for decades. The tradition was gone, so as hopes. And Mr. Davenport had his idea to fix it.

He wasn't a cruel man interested in harming or causing pain. He never associated corporal punishment with sadism, it was strictly a mean to run the school smoothly. Nothing more. Add to that the fact he himself was raised by the old school, the only true one and you would got a whole, clear picture. And of course it didn't do him any damage, on the contrary, taught him everything he knew and believed in.

Reinstating corporal punishment was meant to be more of a symbol of old, good days than anything else. The headmaster paid a lot of attention to rules of how, when and by whom pupils might get caned or punished in any other way. He was strongly against bullying, and any abuse wasn't about to be tolerated ever-ever. Every punishment had to be recorded and signed. Special book was purchased and bound in leather to make it look serious and old.

Prefects got the right to punish other, which created a lot of apprehension from other professors, according to them it was nothing less than asking for serious troubles.

But Mr. Davenport made his mind, he wanted it to be exactly as it was when he got his first caning long, long time ago. A fair one should be added. Yes, Mr. Davenport was a visionary dreamer.

When other teachers opposed that idea, he suggested that they lacked the faith in maturity of the students. Something that shouldn't have had place, if student was chosen to be a prefect. No Mr. Davenport's decision was final, he believed that it would bring more good. He wanted it to reunite the school, to create one big family, with roles and responsibilities.

The whole idea of reforms apart from being sudden was a very scary perspective as well. Students were terrified at first. It looked to them that reinstating corporal punishment means they have to be punished. They all assumed it would happen sooner or later no matter how hard they might try to avoid it. But as the days went on and there was not even a single incident, as of course everyone did their best to avoid it, they started getting more relaxed. The laughter was back on corridors, and the unnatural silence and fear, of even breathing too loudly, was gone. It was a very small school, everyone knew each other - if not by name then at least by face. It was obvious that if someone would suffer the disgrace of caning whole school would know immediately.

The overall relaxation doesn't mean everyone got back to their normal behaviour. There was still much fewer people risking skipping classes or coming unprepared. And even if that happened, and according to new rules a teacher had a right to deal with it in the old fashion way they seemed to avoid that option. And in that way the punishment book stayed empty and none of the new, shiny canes was used. Although it did happen from time to time that someone used is as a threat. Which by itself meant much and kept sending shiver down student's spine...

Martha forced herself back to reality, she really couldn't escape it any longer. She turned around and faced her friend Lisa. The girl was her dearest friend for years. They knew each other since 16 years ago her parents decided to move house and two girl end up living close to each other. Girls were playing and getting into trouble together before they could speak. Later they went to the same nursery, and then to kindergarten and then of course to the same school. They shared almost the same memories. And here, in the school they were responsible for the same small crimes. They were good students in terms of studying but their behaviour always left a lot to be desired. Somehow they always got away with it, their luck or charm seemed to be working perfectly through all those years. And truth to be told very often they just weren't caught doing anything that was prohibited. Especially when it came to sneaking after the curfew. They favourite 'illegal' activity. Oh yes, they loved adrenaline that rushed in their veins each time they climbed up the high fence surrounding the school. Once Martha slipped and almost fell down, in the morning it was just a good memory that brought smiles on their tired but happy faces.

The appearance of new rules in the school threatened their carefree time they used to have in the school of St. Jaun Martinez. It certainly spoilt Martha's mood already.

'Young Timothy saw you last night' Martha's voice was cold as ice as she suppressed her all emotions.

'I suppose then I'm lucky he didn't run to Mr. Canelover then,' Lisa joked still smiling.

'Don't call him Mr. Canelover...'

'Ok, ok, fine. Whatever. Still what's the big deal. He saw us many times, Timothy I mean.'

'That was before the...the age of the new head. Kid saw you yesterday...or should I say today, at 3am, half drunk, in improper uniform walking passed the boys house...'

'My uniform was NOT improper!'

'That's not the biggest issue right now, so please, don't interrupt me. He run to me first thing in the morning, shaking not knowing what to do.'

'What was there to do?' Lisa seemed to be irritated with where that conversation was leading to.

'You know, he should have reported you,' Martha suddenly made her mind.

For the last couple of hours she was thinking very intensively of how to solve it. She couldn't report her best friend to that Beast, but she couldn't also allow her friend to continue that risky lifestyle without knowing she is willing to accept the consequences if there will be a need for it. And surely she would run out of luck sooner or later. It was Martha's responsibility right now to make her friend understand one thing.

'I should report you as well,' Martha added.

'You wouldn't dare! I know you, we are friends,' Lisa tried to sound convincingly but she failed.

Yes, they were friends...

'I warned you Lisa that it was not a good idea to go to village to that party, didn't I?'

'I really, really, can't believe that. Last year you almost dragged me there by force! And now you are going to lecture me about it?

'Last year girl, Mr. Davenport was not the head...'

'The Canelover...'

'Don't call him like that!'

'Fine...So what, the power you have as a prefect really changed you that much? The fun we used to have means nothing? Have you really suddenly decided to be goody two shoes? And what? I'm supposed to follow you example? Please, don't make me laugh. Just finish with all that talking about responsibilities and duties and start living as we used to. He hasn't even punished anyone. It's all faked, changing the rules doesn't mean he really meant restoring corporal punishment. It's all bluff and you and other fell for that. Suckers!' Lisa was trying to mask her uncertainly with anger.

'Would you like to be the first one that will get caned? Do you won't you name to stayed forever in the punishment book as a reminder who was the first one who broke the rules?

'Come on, Martha you wouldn't dare...

'Why wouldn't I?

For the first time it looked like Lisa started talking the whole conversation seriously. She shifted on the desk and put her slightly shaking hands on her laps. Her eyes were wide open from fear.

'Martha, please, you are not can' can't do it...please. We are suppose to be friends...' her voice was shaking.

Martha waited few second, keeping her friend scared to reinforce her message.

'I should report you, for your own good. You didn't want to listen to me, maybe you will listen to Mr. Davenport'

'Martha, I beg you, you must be crazy. It's us, students against him, against them!

'I'm a prefect! I can't disobey the rules like that. I told you yesterday I won't take any responsibilities for your childish actions.

'Then don't take any responsibilities, I don't ask you for it, let just forget about it. I promise, I will be more careful, I won't go out walking along the boys house. No one will see me.

'Lisa! That's not the point. Sooner or later you will get caught. And I won't be able to protect you forever.'

'Oh, so reporting me now to The Canelover is a protection? You know what, I really though we are friends,' Lisa looked like it really hurt her.

'Yes, we are, unless you think otherwise...I'm not going to report you.,' Martha announced. 'I'm going to cane you myself.'

Lisa looked at her friend with her eyes terrified more than ever.

'Martha, I was never even can't. You said you are my can't.

'Your alternative is let me go to the headmaster...

'Please, no. Come on, I promise I won't do it, no sneaking out. I promise. Please!

Tears appeared in her eyes.

Martha felt sorry. She hasn't anticipated tears. She couldn't have known how sorry they would make her. But it wasn't time for second thoughts. He approached the wall when the caned was hanging for all that time since it was bought. She felt it in her hands for the first time since she was trained by Mr. Davenport on how to use it safely and effectively. Suddenly, now it seemed to be much heavier.

By the time she faced Lisa again her friend was crying.

'I really though we were friends, I really did!'

Martha felt tears filling her own eyes. No! She couldn't allow herself for that!

'Please don't make it more difficult for both of us. Get up, raise you skirt, pull down your knickers and bend over the desk,' words came out of her as she was reciting some learnt by heart piece of work.

Lisa followed the instructions too horrified to oppose.

'Please,' she begged again. 'I was never beaten, I'm not sure I can take it...please'

Martha touched her friend's shoulder and squeezed it trying to give Lisa courage.

'You can, of course you can,' she added and tapped the cane across the girl's bottom.

Her hands weren't shaking, she was feeling surprisingly calm. Uneasy, but calm.

'I'm going to give you 12 strokes. As many as I'm allowed to. They will be hard, and you will find them very painful. You made mistake yesterday, you ignored my advice and we both have responsibilities to each other and to the school.'

Lisa turned her head and looked with mixture of hatred and fear to Martha. No, she didn't want to understand that what was about to follow was justice. She didn't care the least.

'Face the front and brace yourself.'

For Martha's sake Lisa seemed to gain a lot of strength from her pride. She wasn't sobbing and begging any more. The girl was always very brave and strong. And even now, facing such horrible unknown she was about to be as composed as possible. She allowed herself for weakness, she begged but that's it. Now she was herself again, and new she could survive it. But their friendship couldn't as Lisa promised herself at a time.

First cut landed. Three sounds, the swish of the cane, sound of impact and Lisa's yelp merged. Lisa grabbed the edge of the desk as tight as possible. Her knees buckled slightly. First red stripe painted on her virgin bottom.

Second cut followed mercilessly few second later. Lisa's yelp transformed into scream. Her left hand jerked to cover her wounded flesh but the girl managed to suppress the instinct. Barely. Pain was overwhelming, far worse than what she could have ever expected. And she there was still 10 more to go! Gradually her defiance and anger was gone. She started feeling sorry for herself. Not only for putting herself in that situation but also for having to go to that stupid party. If she just knew!

'Tell me, was it worth?' Martha asked as if being able to hear her friend's thoughts.

Third strokes invaded Lisa's tender bottom before the girl had chance to answer.

'Was it worth, the escapade?' Martha repeated the question admiring how bravely Lisa was coping with her punishment.

She was in distress, all right, but somehow she looked as proud and full of dignity as always. Something that Martha has always admired. Something that also unfortunately seemed to put Lisa in trouble with boys all the time. Something that has put her into really serious troubles right now.

' it wasn't worth,' pain made Lisa keen to admit anything, just anything to make her fate at least a bit less painful.

Fourth strokes painted vividly bright stripe just above Lisa's crease.

'Are you sure? You wanted to go there so much. Was it fun? Was Dean there?' Martha asked

Lisa sighed heavily.

'Yes, I had fun,' she admitted, there was no point to lie about that one to her once best friend.

Fifth stroke made its way home and Lisa's knees buckled dangerously.

'So, are you sure it wasn't worth?'

Sixth followed.



Lisa broke down. Tears poured down her face. Pain was her whole world. The worst suffering she remembered ever being in. Was it worth? Was it really worth? How could she calculate the price for fun in the amount of pain she could bear?

'No, it wasn't worth. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. Please, I'm sorry,' her pleads seemed to be very genuine.

It wasn't any more about fear and anger. Her palms hurt from gripping so hard to the table, her muscle refused to cooperate. She couldn't stay still any more. Her body was trembling against her will. Yet, she struggled to go through the ordeal with as much dignity as possible. Against her body will and common sense she assumed position and prepared herself for another stroke.

Eight cut overlapped with the previous mark forcing more tears and yelps out of her. Her body trembled.

'Are you SURE it wasn't worth?' Martha asked suppressing her compassion. ' You said it was fun. I'm sure it was the nicest party that year you managed to go to. You have been awaiting it for weeks. Are you absolutely sure you changed your mind now?'

Lisa looked at her friend surprised. Suddenly she wasn't sure any more. And she couldn't understand what Martha was trying to say to her. It felt like pain confused her so much she couldn't think clearly.

Ninth stroke made it home. And a pitiful scream followed.

'Well?!' Martha insisted.

Lisa went back to the party in her mind. She has never allowed anything or anyone to deprive her of the fun she wanted and knew she deserved. Why was she now, suddenly, at the age of 18 surrendered to caning, and to the Headmaster as a consequence?

'I'm not sure,' she whispered carefully weighing the consequences.

Tenth stroke caught her of guard. She screamed even louder and clutched her bum in both hands. It hurt, it really, really hurt. Definitely she didn't want to suffer anything like that again. Not from her Martha's hands, and surely not from Mr. Canelover's hands. It just hurt! Way too much.

'What you are not sure of?!' Martha tapped her bottom aiming for the next cut.

Lisa closed her eyes before answering.

'Yes, I had fun. And yes, it still feels as it was worth it,' she stammered, her lips shaking as she finished.

Eleventh strokes followed immediately.

'Good,' Martha commented as her victim processed the worst pain. 'It's all I want, for you to being able to accept the consequences. You, we, won't be able to escape them any more. Young Timothy saw you yesterday, next time it might be the Headmaster himself. Would you be prepared for it?'

'Yes...' finally Lisa understood what it was all about and a faint smile went back to her face despite the pain.

Twelfth, the last one, cut landed extremely hard and Lisa squealed pitifully. She lost counting long ago, so she didn't even know it was all over now.

Martha approached her and put her hand on the girl's bum. It was hot, very hot. She could feel the ridges, painfully swollen as she rubbed it gently to induce blood flow.

'I hope you are right. If that happen again you might not be so lucky. We might not be so lucky...'

'We?' Lisa looked surprised at her friends, tears still shining on her face despite the smile and the great relief the girl was feeling.

'Sweetie, you are my friend. The fact, that I was made a prefect is not going to change it. I loved braking rules as much as you. Sneaking out, reading books for adults, smuggling forbidden things to the school, wearing sexy stuff under uniforms. It's all so exciting. I was missing it so much! We might not be as lucky any more though to avoid being caught, but... I'm sorry, I had to cane you,' she added helping her friend to get up, she wiped her tears with her hand. 'I just wanted you to understand the consequences of certain actions. I'm glad you understand me now,' she bent and kissed her friends forehead.

Lisa broke into tears. Heavy tears of relief. Good tears. She hugged to her best ever friend.

'I'm sorry. I know it wasn't easy for you. It's my fault. I'm sorr....' her voice failed her.

Martha stroked her hair.

'It's OK now. Shhh. Don't cry. Everything will be fine...'

(c) Lara Cornwell 2009

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